
for the Xiaomi Redmi 5(Rosy), by ckraju

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Feb 15, 2021 | 10:07AM
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android_frameworks_opt_net_wifi: WiFi: Ignore connectivity scans during WFD session android_vendor_arrow: overlay: SimpleDeviceConfig: Allow more cached apps in the background android_frameworks_base: SystemUI: Increase QS auto brightness icon margin android_vendor_qcom_opensource_power: power: Re-Enable power_hint() call for Mode::LAUNCH. android_vendor_qcom_opensource_power: power: Handle Boost:INTERACTION. android_vendor_qcom_opensource_power: power: Avoid reaching req limit of qti perf service. android_vendor_qcom_opensource_power: power: Reduce log level of setBoost() method to VERBOSE. android_vendor_qcom_opensource_power: power: Allow device specific hooks for setBoost, isBoostSupported android_vendor_qcom_opensource_power: power: Handle launch and interaction hints for sm6150 android_vendor_qcom_opensource_power: power: Handle launch and interaction hints for trinket android_packages_apps_ThemePicker: Fix preview tile in grid option picker. android_packages_apps_ThemePicker: Add an exported flag in manifest. android_hardware_interfaces: wifi: Add provision to create/remove dynamic interface(s). android_packages_apps_ThemePicker: ThemePicker: Make naming page look the same as the other ones android_packages_apps_WallpaperPicker2: WallpaperPicker2: Increase height of bottom area android_packages_apps_WallpaperPicker2: WallpaperPicker2: Match backgrounds to device theme android_frameworks_base: SettingsProvider: Commonize toggle for double tap to wake/sleep android_vendor_arrow: ArrowIcons: Use FMRadio icon for CAF fmapp2 android_frameworks_native: Add dalvik-heap device configs for 8/12/16 GiB devices android_vendor_arrow: [fixup]prebuilt/common: remove duplicated protocol entry android_vendor_arrow: prebuilt/common: remove read_only for China Unicom android_vendor_arrow: prebuilt/common: fix incorrect APN configs of Vodafone AU android_frameworks_base: AudioService: Remove Analog Dock from fixed-volume devices android_frameworks_base: SystemUI: fix NPE on ExpandableNotificationRow android_vendor_arrow: init: Make encryption action an argument to mkdir android_build: soong: add TARGET_SPECIFIC_HEADER_PATH android_device_arrow_sepolicy: qcom: add msm8960, msm8998 and apq8084 into upstream list android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: Nuke sdfat from genfs android_device_arrow_sepolicy: arrow: Introduce a new flag to exclude fuseblk sepolicy android_device_arrow_sepolicy: Move lineage framework service declarations to private android_device_arrow_sepolicy: Revert "common: Allow adbd to set a system_prop" android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: allow adbroot service to change adb root status android_device_arrow_sepolicy: arrow: Assign bash the same label as the default shell android_device_arrow_sepolicy: Revert "Label lineage.service.adb.root as system prop" android_device_arrow_sepolicy: Remove label android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: Add policy for volume manager android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: Allow reading proc_filesystems android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: Fix the volume manager denial android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: Add policy for /dev/block/volmgr android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: Allow volume manager write to /sys/*/uevent android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: allow mounting of usb storage android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: allow mounting of internal storage android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: allow reading fbe key version android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: recovery: fix neverallows android_device_arrow_sepolicy: touch: Add IKeySwapper context android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: Drop Lineage LiveDisplay HAL android_device_arrow_sepolicy: sepolicy: Drop Lineage Trust HAL android_packages_apps_Snap: SnapCam: Fix thumbnail not update android_system_core: init: Don't run update_sys_usb_config if /data isn't mounted android_frameworks_base: ScreenRecord: Improve low quality screen record android_frameworks_base: iorap: Terminate iorapd process when both tracing and prefetching are off. android_frameworks_base: iorap: Enable by default android_frameworks_base: Prevent crash in TTS engine due to improper configuration android_frameworks_base: Framelayout: Fix NPE when view is missing android_frameworks_base: SystemUI: Keyguard: Check for a null errString android_frameworks_base: Fix SystemUI crash android_frameworks_base: Fix Another SystemUI crash android_frameworks_base: SQLiteDatabase: Catch corrupt exception during transaction android_frameworks_base: SQLite: Do integrity_check only once android_packages_apps_ArrowPrebuilts: ArrowPrebuilts: Update [check description] android_packages_apps_Snap: SnapCam: Fix thumbnail not update android_system_core: init: Don't run update_sys_usb_config if /data isn't mounted android_frameworks_base: ScreenRecord: Improve low quality screen record android_frameworks_base: iorap: Terminate iorapd process when both tracing and prefetching are off. android_frameworks_base: iorap: Enable by default android_frameworks_base: Prevent crash in TTS engine due to improper configuration android_frameworks_base: Framelayout: Fix NPE when view is missing android_frameworks_base: SystemUI: Keyguard: Check for a null errString android_frameworks_base: Fix SystemUI crash android_frameworks_base: Fix Another SystemUI crash

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